Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tutorial Questions: Chapter Four

1.       Explain the ethical issues sounding information technology.
There are many ethical issues surrounding information technology as many people have the ability to misuse the resources available to them. Privacy, data accuracy and property issues are just a few issues which are relevant to technology use. In relation to privacy issues it is important for companies to always keep data secure within their system; hackers and criminals are able to access private business information and data and use it illegally. In relation to data accuracy, it is important for data to be kept up to date in order to avoid data inaccuracy and data redundancy. It is significant for checks to be implemented to ensure that malicious activity is exposed. Property issues, in essence relate to the misuse or unauthorised access to information belonging to another person. It is important for data to be secure to ensure that only the appropriate people can see and access specific information.

(accessed 3/4/11)

2.       Explain a situation involving technology that is ethical but illegal.
A web designer may be commissioned by a business to design a web page for the enterprise. The web designer decides to research the company and its competitors. The designer finds a page of one of the rival companies. The designer copies the layout and structure of the page. The designer also copies the text of the rival company’s page but manages to turn it into his own words. This action may appear to be ethical however, his acts may be recognised as intellectual theft, which, in turn is against the law. This is an example of a situation which involves technology that is ethical but illegal.

3.       Describe and explain one of the computer use policies that a company might employ.
One computer use policy that a company might employ is information security. Information security is a must in all businesses as it is all too easy for a hacker or a criminal to access confidential business data and use it maliciously. A business must implement appropriate procedures such as downloading firewalls, antivirus software etc to stop people from gaining unauthorised access into company files. Data in an organisation may include the details of customers, therefore the company has a duty of care to the customers the ensure the security of their personal information.
4.       What are five main technology security risks?
·         Human Error
·         Natural disasters
·         Technical failures
·         Deliberate acts
·         Management failure

5.       Outline one way to reduce each risk.
Human error: offer training programs
Natural disasters: Store important information and data offsite to avoid natural disasters that may occur on company property, constantly back up the systems data and information
Technical failures: constantly upgrade systems and ensure the maintenance of these systems. Ensure that the company has a skilled IT department to manage any IT problems that may occur.
Deliberate acts: maintain computer systems, ensure password changes and monitor employee actions to make sure there is nothing suspicious occurring inside the organisation.
Management failure: Training programs; ensure that all employees are up to date with system changes. Hire only efficient and effective staff.

6.       What is a disaster recovery plan, what strategies might a firm employ?
A disaster recovery plan is a procedure developed by the firm to ensure the security and integrity of their data. Several appropriate strategies that a firm might employ are: Keep important business data off site, implement training programs for staff, ensure the maintenance of information and data, implement appropriate backup procedures, for example the ‘grandfather, father, son’ method.

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